house mouse

House Mouse

Mus nuscalus  
SIZE: 5-7 inches (12.5-18 cm) long

COLOR: Fur is dark grey on the back and light grey on the belly, but many colour variations are possible.

DESCRIPTION: The house mouse is highly successful because of its small size, adaptability and small food requirements: it can even survive without water.  Mice are capable of surviving in almost any environment; our homes, however, provide an excellent environment for mice.

HABITAT: With the exception of man, the house mouse is the most numerous and widespread mammal on earth.  The house mouse is the number one rodent pest in.  Mice are capable of spending their entire lives outside living in fields and green space.  When food sources become scarce or the weather turns colder, mice will often move into buildings, both residential and commercial.  In buildings, mice will readily nest in walls and attics using the insulation for nesting material; they may also nest in closets, storage boxes, large appliances (bases of refrigerators and ovens) or within upholstered furniture.

LIFE CYCLE: Mice multiply rapidly, particularly when living conditions are ideal (plenty of food and shelter).  The female mouse produces between 4 and 7 pups per litter following a gestation period of about 19 days.  Female mice can produce about 8 litters in her lifetime, capable of giving birth to a litter every 24-28 days.  Young mice are sexually mature within 5-8 weeks.  The lifespan of a house mouse is about one year.  

TYPE OF DAMAGE: Mice consume our food in farm fields, during processing, storage and transport, and while it’s in our supermarkets, restaurants and homes.  What the mice don’t eat they contaminate with urine, feces, and hair.  The loss of food worldwide to rodents is staggering: experts estimate that mice destroy enough food each year to feed 100 million people. 

CONTROL: Control of mice can be challenging: many people mistake size for intelligence.  Trapping--which may be effective at first--can stop working almost overnight as the mouse population learns to avoid the traps.  Most rodent bait available at the local hardware store is ineffective at eliminating the infestation.  The latest high tech “solution” is the ultrasonic sound emitters. Although the statements made on the packaging are true (“ultrasonic noise repels mice”), mice are unlikely to leave the building they are occupying; instead, they simply change their behavior.  In most cases, ultrasonic devices have shown no observable effect on the mice because the sound emitted by these devices must be specifically calibrated to be effective.  X-it Pest Control Solution does not recommend the use of ultrasonic sound, as it is often ineffective.  An X-it Pest Control Solution exterminator is trained to identify potential entry points and conditions which may have led to the mice infestation as well as eliminating the mice already inside your home or business.  Call today for a complete evaluation of your mouse/mice infestation.